Phrygian cap

A 70 year old male with a PMH of gallstone pancreatitis was brought to the ED after a 3 day history of fever, disorientation and abdominal pain. He endorsed emesis and decrease in appetite over the last 3 days. There was concern for possible cholangitis. His labs were significant for leukocytosis with all others within

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42 year old American American male with a long standing history of uncontrolled diabetes presented ED with c/o unilateral vision loss. He has had vision loss in the past and has proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Bedside ultrasound revealed several subtle echogenicities floating within the vitreous, suggesting the patient has a vitreous hemorrhage at its early phases.

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A 24yr old IV drug user with no past medical history presents with dyspnea and pleuritic chest pain. Patient reports being ill for the past 2 weeks. He initially developed diffuse abdominal pain with non-bilious emesis, non-productive cough and intermittent fevers. Over the past week he began having pleuritic chest pain over the right anterior

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Retinal Detachment

A 56 year old female with a past medical history of atrial fibrillation on Coumadin, ESRD on hemodialysis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and dyslipidemia presented to the emergency department with right eye vision loss. The patient states that 3 days ago she developed right eye floaters that then the following day progressed to “wavy lines” and

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The Octopus Trap

A 78 y/o woman was admitted to the MICU for hypoxemic respiratory failure and sepsis thought to be secondary to pneumonia. She was intubated and placed on vasopressors. Bedside cardiac ultrasound revealed a hypokinetic apex. Suspicions for stress cardiomyopathy were later supported w/ formal echo. Her hospital course was complicated by ST elevations in the

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