Cabinet 2020-2021 Members

Victor Lee – President
Class of 2023

My name is Victor Lee and I am honored and excited to be serving as your 2020-21 USIG President. I first became interested in ultrasound while working as a nurse working on a Cardiac Step-down unit. I can still remember the first time a resident scanned one of my patients using ultrasound. He was not only able to see the different chambers of the hearts actively pumping, but he was able to guide a catheter using just ultrasound for guidance. Since then, I have always been intrigued and excited to learn all things ultrasound related. Learning how to properly scan using ultrasound has not only better equipped me with the tools to become a better clinician, but it has given me the opportunity to find new and ingenious ways of teaching first-time users the importance and versatility of ultrasound. Not only is ultrasound a pain free procedure but it allows the user view images in real time right next to the bedside! It is a continuously expanding field and I am glad you are a part of it!

A little about me: My twin brother and I (fraternal) were born in Seoul, South Korea. Although I came States when I was only 3 months old, I am very “in tune” with my korean roots. I love to cook and eat all things Korean. As far as education, I finished my Bachelors in Nursing at Southern Adventist University and worked for a little over three years! I am an avid lover of any and all racquet sports, but lately I have been getting more into strength training.

Esther Gow-Lee – Vice President
Class of 2023

One of the things I love about ultrasound is all the information it can tell us about a patient and the mysteries it can unlock, all while being noninvasive and providing results in real time! The past fifty years or so have brought a wide variety of amazing advances in medical technology, but development of point of care ultrasound is by far the most exciting to me. Unlike MRI or CT imaging, ultrasound can be accessible to the every day provider, and because of this, I think it is important that we get as much exposure to US usage as possible in medical school. That is my goal as a USIG officer – to play a role in bringing ultrasound education to as many students as possible.  A little about myself: I left my home in the beautiful Pacific Northwest to attend university in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where I was originally a pre-optometry student. After volunteering for a year running an eye clinic in South America, I decided that the scope of optometry was narrower than I wanted and switched to pre-med. When I’m not in school, I try to make it back to the PNW as frequently as I can. I love the small town feel where my parents live. Between college and med school, I worked for a year as a CNA at an assisted living facility two miles from my house. Outside of study hours, I like to camp, hike, improve my cooking skills (what little skills I have to speak of), and train my dog.  Interesting fact about me: at the top of my bucket list is to visit all of the National Parks. I’ve made it to 16 so far and plan to finish off the list with a visit to the Virgin Islands National Park! I suppose that dream will have to wait until I’m an attending!

Annalise Lang – Treasurer
Class of 2023

 Hi! My name is Annalise Lang, and I am the Treasurer for USIG this year. I became interested in being part of the USIG leadership team after the exposure I had as a USIG member during my first year of med school. After realizing how ultrasound skills can be applied to so many areas of domestic and international medicine, I knew it would be a great skill to develop no matter what specialty I decided to pursue. Another way I’ve enjoyed getting involved with POCUS at LLU is by joining a research team this past summer that produced several step-by-step instructional blog posts on how to use ultrasound to perform several procedures and exams. (Check out to see our work!) 

A few things about myself: 

  • • My motto: there’s nothing like a good morning routine. 
  • • Outside of school, I like to spend my free time…well, outside—hiking, swimming, biking, and tennis are some of my favorites. 
  • • I love trying new things: a good memoir or podcast (Brene Brown’s Unlocking Us podcast is my newest find!), international foods or recipes, etc. Most recently, I’ve enjoyed learning to watercolor and 
  • • use Adobe Illustrator. 
  • • My ultimate hero is a self-sustaining gardener, so one of my goals for the year is to develop more of a green thumb and to keep the garden at my house alive. 
Jenna Lee – Secretary
Class of 2023

Hi everyone! My name is Jenna Lee, and I’m USIG secretary this year. I am interested in ultrasound because I have a passion for missions and appreciate how versatile ultrasound is due to its portability. I really valued learning about ultrasound during my first year of medical school and am excited to educate students about how valuable and helpful ultrasound can be! I also know that by being involved in USIG and teaching others, I will become more knowledgeable and improve my skills, helping me to become a better physician in the future. I decided to be secretary because I value organization and have a deep appreciation for GoogleDrive haha. As secretary, I help meetings run efficiently, take notes, and keep the club as organized as possible. I’m super excited to be a part of USIG cabinet, and can’t wait to learn more about ultrasound with everyone this year!

Hannah Chi – Public Relations
Class of 2023

I’ve chosen to become a USIG officer after experiencing the USIG sessions as a first year medical student and realizing the incredible benefit that this has on my learning and development as a future physician. Ultrasound technology is gradually becoming an essential tool in a variety of settings, whether it be inpatient, outpatient, or even in the community with the advent of the Butterfly Ultrasound! How cool is that? Through my role as the Public Relations Representative, I hope to help educate fellow student physicians and help them realize the amazing potential that ultrasound has on the future of medicine.

A little bit about me: I was born in Bloomington, Illinois, but raised in Cleburne, Texas before moving up to Berrien Springs, Michigan when I was 18. I obtained my BS in Nursing degree from Andrews University and also did my post-baccalaureate pre-med studies there while working as a Registered Nurse for 3 years in Post-Surgical Care and Intermediate Critical Care. In my downtime, I enjoy drawing/sketching portraits of people, hiking, watching anime, and listening to Kpop. I am always down for boba and deep meaningful conversations.

Interesting fact about me: I am fluent in reading/speaking Mandarin. When I (used to) have time, I do Mandarin-English translation services for Chinese churches and events.

Reo Ong – Volunteer Coordinator
Class of 2023

My name is Richard Ong, and I am USIG Volunteer Coordinator this year. I have learned the importance of ultrasound from past USIG workshops and shadowing multiple physicians. I believe that ultrasound is a very useful skill within any specialty that could be easily transported for uses in medical missions and hospitals that could make drastic differences in diagnosis. As volunteer coordinator, I help USIG workshops and other events run smoothly and make sure everyone has equal opportunities to learn from the best teachers!

Hunter Roberts – Community Service Rep
Class of 2023

My desire to become a USIG officer began with the knowledge and enjoyment I experienced while a USIG member during my first year of medical school. Each session was extremely informative, the people were very helpful, and I quickly realized what a gift ultrasound is to many fields of medicine. I particularly wanted to become the community service representative to further develop the community relationships that already exist between USIG and various groups, while also exploring any new potential relationships that might be valuable. My passion for service has grown through various experiences both domestically and internationally, and it is a part of my life that I hope to further implement into my career as a future physician. So, I am very grateful to serve in this role and further develop the world of ultrasound in the medical community!

A little bit about me: I am originally from Arroyo Grande, CA and went to undergrad at Azusa Pacific University where I majored in Biology and had a minor in Psychology. Outside of medicine, I love anything involving sports and the outdoors. I am constantly finding ways to push myself, and I have recently completed a marathon and a triathlon in the last few years. I have yet decide my next challenge (got a little busy with medical school this last year) but I’m hoping to find something new to take on for this next year (rock climbing?!?).

Jessica Ahn – Research/Tech Rep
Class of 2023

I first learned about ultrasound when I had to see my cardiologist as a kid. It was amazing to see my heart on the screen and realize it was much more complex than the simple heart shape we often draw. I love ultrasound because it’s like a camera that shows you what’s happening inside your body in real-time without being invasive. It’s like getting to have your own Magic School Bus!
This past summer, I worked with Dr. Dinh and some of my classmates to create blog posts and a handbook about how to conduct ultrasound exams for different organ systems. Through my role as USIG’s Research and Technology Representative, I want to provide each of you with materials that we have created to help make ultrasound scanning easier and get your feedback on how we can make them even better! 
A few things about me: I graduated from Southern Adventist University with a BS in Biology and a minor in music for piano. Outside of medicine, my hobbies include searching for delicious places to eat food, doing 1000 piece jig-saw puzzles, playing piano, going rock climbing, and playing Spikeball! 

Silas Griffin – Community Service Rep
Class of 2023

Hello! My name is Silas Griffin and I am currently an MS2. I hail from a town in Northern California called Elk Grove, and no, there are no elk there. Some of my hobbies include camping, hiking, and escape rooming. My wife and I love escape rooms so much that I proposed to her in one! I am also in the Air Force, and just recently completed Officer Training School in the humidity of Alabama this summer. It is an honor to serve on the USIG board this year and I look forward to being your curriculum representative!

2019-2020 Cabinet Members

Hyeon (Stella) Park – President
Class of 2022

My favorite part about going to my cardiologist as a kid was that I got to see my heart beating during an echo procedure, and the amazing part was that the procedure was pain free. This is one of the many reasons why I love ultrasound–it is a pain free procedure which provides vital information during patient assessment. 

USIG is comprised of medical students who are interested in the practice and the promotion of ultrasound, and it aims to raise awareness about the use of ultrasound in clinical practice by providing training and learning opportunities in ultrasound to students. I decided to become part of USIG because of all the amazing opportunities USIG offers: organizing regular ultrasound education, introducing other medical students to bedside ultrasound, and creating an ultrasound community among students and faculty. 

A little about me: I was born and raised in South Korea, and I came to the United States about 10 years ago. I studied Studio Art and Biomedical Science at Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska. I don’t do it as much but I like to watercolor when I’m free and I like to play the cello whenever I can. I don’t want to brag, but I’m highly gifted at eating! One interesting fact: I used to have a British accent (because I learned to speak English in New Zealand when I was 12)! 

Matthew Buell – Vice President
Class of 2022

I chose to become a USIG officer because I really enjoy how practical ultrasound is and how fun it is to learn how to use. With ultrasound becoming more accessible, I want to help promote its use and further the skills of future physicians with ultrasound. USIG was the perfect platform for helping to make those things happen, as well as give me an opportunity to be involved in student life and education.

A few things about me: I graduated from Walla Walla University in 2018 with a BS in Biochemistry. Between my junior and senior years of undergrad I took a year off and volunteered/went as a student missionary to teach highschool science in Siem Reap, Cambodia; an awesome experience. I am happily married to Julia Buell, and we love going on hikes with friends, camping, playing frisbee, cooking, and reading together. If I’m not busy studying you have a high chance of catching me listening to podcasts, taking a walk/jog or relaxing at home.

Interesting Fact: When I was 14 I did the STP (Seattle to Portland bike ride) with my dad.

Andy Hsueh – Treasurer
Class of 2022

USIG was one of the first interest groups I joined due to the prior knowledge I had coming into medical school of the growing prevalence of ultrasound. I worked in an ER for 3 years as a scribe and technician, a place where I was heavily exposed to ultrasound and the incredible utility it served (which will only get better with time). As a result, ultrasound is an area where I am passionate about and I am more than eager to serve/better a community where people can come together and have an amazing learning experience with it. 

For a brief introduction, I grew up in Southern California in a city called Irvine and went to undergrad at UC Santa Barbara, finishing with a degree in Pharmacology. In my downtime, I enjoy being surrounded by water (surfing, swimming, fishing, jet skiing etc.), which is kinda hard to do here…but the beach is only an hr away! ?  Other hobbies of mine include traveling, playing tennis, sketching, and learning to play musical instruments.

Leah Shin – Secretary
Class of 2022

When I first heard about the ultrasound interest group I was a bit skeptical. I mean, how often do you see people using ultrasound? But this is exactly why I decided to become a part of USIG. Not many physicians know how to use ultrasound, let alone incorporate it into their daily practice. Critical diagnoses can be rapidly made with ultrasound, and too many are missed—all because of a lack of practice. I do not hope to become one of those physicians. I want to actively spread the knowledge of ultrasound techniques to fellow students so that missed diagnoses can be prevented.

I grew up in Southern California (Orange County) and am very happy to be back in SoCal for medical school. I took a 4 year hiatus from CA to get my degree in Human Biology (a name my advisor and I made up for a Biology major modified with Psychology) and a minor in Lusophone studies at Dartmouth College. I am always up for a good board game. I enjoy milk teas and going to the beach. 

Interesting fact about me: I fixed my underbite in elementary school by moving my lower jaw backwards everyday because I kept being teased by my sisters.

Danielle Hamilton – Public Relations
Class of 2022

I love learning, and I especially love teaching! Through my role as USIG’s Public Relations Representative, I hope to grow our community’s understanding and interest in ultrasound through outreach events. I desire to be an integral part of the 1st years’ medical education and aspire to one day be an emergency physician and professor.

Outside of medicine, my hobbies include rollerblading, hiking, rock climbing, and cuddling my many animals! I have had jobs as a bike salesperson, campus tour guide, student researcher, and Supplemental Instruction Leader in physics, general and organic chemistry, and biology. I attended UC Riverside (go Highlanders!) and graduated in 2018 with a BS in Biochemistry. I was born at LLUH and raised in the Inland Empire, and I plan on practicing medicine here!

One interesting fact about me is that I fell 35 feet out of a ski lift when I was 7 years old and broke my left leg!

Peter Reim – Research and Technology
Class of 2022

Ultrasound is rapidly changing medical diagnostics and becoming an essential tool for almost every physician. Loma Linda’s Ultrasound Interest Group provided an avenue for exploring this incredible technology. I hope to use my position to help facilitate its integration into curriculum, develop easily accessible resources for students, and expand ultrasound interest in the community.

About me: I like to be outside more than inside and do things that sometimes require a helmet (climbing, skiing, aggressive trail running?). I graduated from Pepperdine University in 2017 with a degree in sports medicine and spent my year off as a ski patroller in Park City, Utah. I was born and raised in Orange County and am surprisingly happy to be so close to home where a free meal and laundry service (thanks mom) are only a few minutes away.

Nick Eckert – Community Service Rep
Class of 2022

Hello there! Ultrasound was part of the first year medical school curriculum that really captivated me. Hearing about the potential that it has for the future of medicine and having the opportunity to be trained in it was very exciting for me. One of the areas that I believe ultrasound will have the biggest impact upon is underserved, under-resourced communities, both overseas and domestically. I truly believe that ultrasound can and will be an avenue that to break down some of the barriers present in these communities that lead to poor health outcomes. My dream is to practice primary care in an underserved context, so I am extremely motivated to better learn and teach (eventually) ultrasound during the rest of my time at Loma Linda and throughout my career in medicine. For me, USIG was the perfect place to get started down that path.

A little about me: I’m originally from Sellersburg, Indiana and I went to undergrad at Lee University in Southeast Tennessee. I have a wonderful wife, Caden, and a new baby daughter, Olive. When I’m not studying, the three of us are usually off adventuring somewhere outdoors. Outside of medicine, I’m interested in community development, learning about different cultures, and sports. Interesting fact about me: I will eat pretty much anything for not a lot of money.

Laura Tobing – Volunteer Coordinator
Class of 2022

I desired to be a part of the USIG officers because I had the opportunity to be a member last year. I learned the increasing importance of ultrasound in healthcare and wanted to be an advocate for this growing technological skill. Being a part of the USIG officers would also allow me to have access to the faculty involved with Ultrasound devices. I want to continue the work of last year’s officers and help orchestrate the beneficial ultrasound events for the future freshman class because I believe it will change the future of healthcare for the better. 

I am blessed to be an MS2 who graduated with a B.S. in Nursing from Southern Adventist University in Collegedale Tennessee. I am 5’ 3” and proud to be Indonesian.  I was born and raised in Loma Linda. Most of my life, I tried to focus most of my time on sports, mission trips abroad, planning events, and hanging out with my close friends and family to have deep conversations and new adventures. 

One interesting fact is that I have completed a juice fast without any cheat days for 15 days straight.

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