Danny Udrea

Phrygian cap

A 70 year old male with a PMH of gallstone pancreatitis was brought to the ED after a 3 day history of fever, disorientation and abdominal pain. He endorsed emesis and decrease in appetite over the last 3 days. There was concern for possible cholangitis. His labs were significant for leukocytosis with all others within […]

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42 year old American American male with a long standing history of uncontrolled diabetes presented ED with c/o unilateral vision loss. He has had vision loss in the past and has proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Bedside ultrasound revealed several subtle echogenicities floating within the vitreous, suggesting the patient has a vitreous hemorrhage at its early phases.

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A 24yr old IV drug user with no past medical history presents with dyspnea and pleuritic chest pain. Patient reports being ill for the past 2 weeks. He initially developed diffuse abdominal pain with non-bilious emesis, non-productive cough and intermittent fevers. Over the past week he began having pleuritic chest pain over the right anterior

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Retinal Detachment

A 56 year old female with a past medical history of atrial fibrillation on Coumadin, ESRD on hemodialysis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and dyslipidemia presented to the emergency department with right eye vision loss. The patient states that 3 days ago she developed right eye floaters that then the following day progressed to “wavy lines” and

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The Octopus Trap

A 78 y/o woman was admitted to the MICU for hypoxemic respiratory failure and sepsis thought to be secondary to pneumonia. She was intubated and placed on vasopressors. Bedside cardiac ultrasound revealed a hypokinetic apex. Suspicions for stress cardiomyopathy were later supported w/ formal echo. Her hospital course was complicated by ST elevations in the

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Lung ABC’s

This 84 year old male patient was managed in the MICU for septic shock after presenting to the ED with abdominal pain, decreased appetite, and fatigue. During our routine scanning of patients in the MICU we noted that patient exhibited a A and B lines intermixed throughout the various lung fields. Notably in the right

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